Hundreds of MFPE members from across the state will convene in Helena April 3 – 4 for our 3rd MFPE Annual Conference. The conference will be held at the Delta Hotels Helena Colonial located at 2301 Colonial Drive in Helena (406-443-2100).
If you’re interested in attending as a delegate, please talk to your local president. Every local MFPE affiliate is entitled to send at least one delegate. Delegates are selected at the local level. Don’t let your local go unrepresented!
If you have any questions about the process, contact Becky Thomas: [email protected] or call 800-398-0826 or 406-442-4250.
MFPE Constitutional Amendment #1
MFPE Constitutional Amendment #2
MFPE Constitutional Amendment #3
MFPE Constitutional Amendment #4
Statewide Offices (2-year terms)
1st Vice President
2d Vice President
NEA Representative Assembly (1-year terms)
One District Delegate and Alternate elected in district meetings
Aspiring Educator Delegate elected by student delegates
District Officers and Board of Directors (2-year terms)
Even-Numbered District Chair and Vice Chair(s) elected in district meetings
Announced Candidates as of January 27, 2020
Amanda Curtis
1st Vice President
Bill Dwyer
Jill Cohenour
2d Vice President
Rich Aarstad
Tom Fulton
Michelle Wheat
Nominations Close during Nominations – Friday pm – April 3
MFPE’s proposed dues for 2020-21 continues the dues structure adopted by the 2018 MFPE Annual Conference.”
1. Local affiliates and/or individual delegates are responsible for annual conference expenditures MFPE does not specifically cover.
2. MFPE shall NOT reimburse individual travel costs to the annual conference.
3. Upon submission of an itemized hotel receipt and a completed conference expense voucher, MFPE shall reimburse delegates traveling more than thirty (30) miles from town of residence to the conference town up to $110 for one night’s lodging to participate in the annual conference. Reimbursement shall not exceed actual cost of lodging.
4. Upon submission of an itemized hotel receipt and a completed conference expense voucher, MFPE shall reimburse delegates traveling 300 miles or more from town of residence to the conference town up to $110 per night for two nights lodging to participate in the annual conference. Reimbursement shall not exceed actual cost of lodging.
5. MFPE shall NOT reimburse for meals purchased that are otherwise provided at the annual conference.
6. MFPE shall assist local affiliates to provide and coordinate bus or other shared ride transportation for delegates where economies of scale can be assured. Such assistance may include partial subsidies for such transportation as approved by the MFPE president. Local affiliates must request a bus or shared transportation support at least fourteen (14) days before the annual conference convenes.