MFPE has over 100 health care employees.
Our 100+ health care members include:
We have 12 local affiliates composed of health care employee members.
MFPE members are not just found within state offices and school buildings; they are also found in the healthcare facilities that serve communities across Montana. These members dedicate themselves to improving the lives of caregivers and patients statewide.
Whether in hospitals, clinics, long-term care facilities, public health, and other practice settings, MFPE health care workers include nurses, aides, dietitians, technicians, physician assistants, therapists, doctors, pharmacists, and more. These members work day and night to provide quality care for patients. U.S. Census projections indicate that Montana will have the country’s fourth oldest population by 2020. As our state ages, our health care needs continue to increase. That makes recruiting more individuals in this field and continuing to improve their livelihood in their work field critical.
MFPE’s health care workers advocate in the following areas:
Working together, MFPE’s health care members are committed to expanding health care access, improving patient care, and defending the rights and benefits of all employees in health care facilities.
© 2018 Montana Federation of Public Employees | Paid for by the Montana Federation of Public Employees