MFPE-Retired members continue to serve our Montana communities.
Retired members include retired and pre-retired:
MFPE’s retired and pre-retired members join together with K-12 teachers, higher education faculty, state and county employees, education support professionals, health care workers, and Head Start employees to form the MFPE Family. Today, we are proud to have over 1,300 MFPE retired members continuing to serve our Montana communities.
Our retired members are a vital part of our union. They offer a deep reservoir of knowledge, experience, enthusiasm, and talent and remain fully involved in every aspect of MFPE. MFPE’s retired members include retired public employees, as well as teachers, faculty, and classified employees who once served in Montana’s public school systems. This group also includes “pre-retired” members who are active members of any age who want to reap the benefits included in a retired membership.
As an MFPE member, you are part of 25,000 members across Montana, as well as 3.2 million members of the National Education Association and 1.5 million members of the American Federation of Teachers.
MFPE has worked tirelessly for years to protect and enhance public employee and teacher retirement assets and benefits. As gratitude for your service, MFPE is dedicated to helping you with any concerns you may have regarding pension benefit adjustments, threats to Social Security, health care costs, and other retirement issues. And, from seminars on financial planning and post-retirement health care to discounts on insurance and credit cards, MFPE makes a number of benefits available to MFPE’s retired and pre-retired members.
Retirement seminars
MFPE holds seminars and workshops across the state periodically for our retired and “pre-retired” members.
These events guide you through:
Special benefits and discounts
You can save hundreds of dollars a year with your NEA and AFT member benefits.
Info and news you can use
MFPE Retired members receive regular publications including NEA Today, NEA Retired, and MFPE Advocate, featuring timely retirement topics.
Your voice
MFPE Retired members have the strength of our union to help them with concerns about pension benefit adjustments, threats to Social Security, health care costs, and other retirement issues. MFPE gives you a strong voice in policies that affect you.
We work closely with the legislature, Montana Teachers Retirement System, Public Employee Retirement System, and other entities that affect you.
MFPE helps elect people who value public education and our retired members.
MFPE Retired members elect a state chair and vice chair, both of whom sit on the MFPE board of directors. Retired members participate actively in MFPE's representative assembly, helping establish policies and programs.
Protecting your retirement
MFPE has worked tirelessly for years to protect and enhance public employee and teacher retirement assets and benefits. We have the duty and opportunity to do so. Read about our success in protecting our members' retirement. And remember: we can only continue succeeding when we all work together!
© 2018 Montana Federation of Public Employees | Paid for by the Montana Federation of Public Employees