Bringing our members news and information you can’t get elsewhere is an important part of what we do at MFPE.
We use our newsletter, this website, Facebook page, electronic updates, and more to keep you up to date on issues that affect you and your job. We provide information on upcoming conferences and workshops, tips to help you on the job, legislative alerts, news on member benefits, and profiles of your fellow members around the state.
MFPE’s communications program also reaches out to educate Montana citizens and decision makers about the important work our members do.
MFPE also provides hands-on training to help our members communicate effectively with their fellow members and local communities.
Communications Director Sam Telling works in MFPE’s headquarters office. You can contact Sam at [email protected], 800-398-0826, or 406-442-4250.
© 2018 Montana Federation of Public Employees | Paid for by the Montana Federation of Public Employees