MEA-MFT members star in “Montanans for the Common Core” video project

September 9, 2014 / Comments (0)



Two MEA-MFT members star in the first of several videos featuring Montanans talking about the Montana Common Core Standards. 

Take a look at the first video:

Starting September 9 and going through the fall of 2014, OPI, MEA-MFT, and School Administrators of Montana will release short videos each week with educators and community leaders in Montana talking about their support for the Montana Common Core Standards.

The videos highlight what educators are seeing in their classrooms as a result of the new standards. They talk about why the standards will have a positive impact on Montana students and our state’s future.

See the first video here:  

Project launched
The video project was launched in Bozeman today during Superintendent Juneau’s 2014 Back to School Tour at Emily Dickinson and Meadowlark schools.

Two of the teachers featured in the first Montanans for the Common Core video project, MEA-MFT members Anne Keith and Kristi Gaines, joined Juneau in the unveiling. 

News article about the unveiling


There are many ways for educators and community members to get involved in the Montanans for the Common Core video project!

Join the online conversation:
The easiest way to get involved is to share our videos with your social networks through Facebook and Twitter and subscribe to our YouTube page. Every video will be posted on the “Montanans for the Common Core” YouTube Channel.

Also, check out MEA-MFT’s Facebook page, which will include each video.

We will be using the hashtag #MTforCore throughout the campaign, so please be sure to use this tag when you post the video on your Facebook or Twitter accounts.

For more information about the Montana Common Core Standards:
To learn more about the Montana Common Core Standards, go to the OPI’s website: You will find information for families, teachers, school leaders, business leaders, higher education and legislators.

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